C# (almost) has implicit interfaces

Background: I move between Go and C# a lot, and like to compare them..

Tips for moving between Go and C#

Recently, I’ve implemented a Unicode tokenizer in in Go and in C#, and my career has been ~equally divided between those languages...

Go-style “alongside” testing in C# and .Net Core

I move between Go and C#, and one idiom I like in Go is tests living alongside the things they are testing, right in the same project...

Apple as MVNO for LLMs

It’s expected that Apple will be improving Siri in the upcoming iOS 18, exploiting the progress that Large Language Models (LLMs) have made over the past year or so...

Generics as builtin typeclasses

In the spirit of Go’s ‘good enough’ type system, here’s a thought experiment for ‘good enough’ generics…

Saying true things is hard

I think the replication & open science movement is great. I come from an epistemological, first-principles sort of mindset, and so I find this very encouraging:..

Query expansions in Stack Overflow Talent

Stack Overflow Talent aims to connect the right company with the right developer...

Does TypeScript make for more performant JavaScript?

I have a theory that the use of TypeScript de facto makes for more performant JavaScript, by making the runtime’s “type prediction” more accurate...

Having the courtesy to be wrong

One characteristic I see in accountable managers is having the courtesy to be wrong...

Championship in practice (at Stack Overflow)

This is a follow-on to my introductory post on championship, please give that a read for background...