
Engineering and product managers often talk about “ownership” of features, when what we want is championship...

A career decision influenced by Nassim Taleb

On the occasion of reading Nassim Taleb’s latest book, an anecdote about how he influenced a career decision of mine...

Static file hosting with active content

The combination of Hugo & Netlify to host my blog has turned out to make easy things easy, and hard things possible...

Stack Overflow tag correlations

A tool to discover correlations between tags on Stack Exchange sites. Start typing a tag name below, or click one of the popular ones...

How to move from Medium to static hosting with Jekyll or Hugo

I recently moved my blog from Medium to static generation with Hugo & hosting with Netlify...

Jargon demo

Jargon is a Go package with tokenizers and lemmatizers. Source & docs...

The makings of a strategy

A product process is typically something like Strategy → Discovery → Specification → Build → Delivery...

Toward less injection

Here’s a habit that may help to reduce the complexity of your dependency injection tree...

Alikewise (dating by the book)

Thank you As of December 2016 we have shut down We are thrilled with the response to the site and we hope you found romance, or at least a good read...

KPIs are software

It’s easy to think of key performance indicators as a task to be tacked on to the end of a project...