Time well spent

Critical to developer and company success is the idea of time well spent...

Decker, for a prettier Twitter

I made a Chrome extension which makes Twitter.com’s UX more tolerable, called decker...


Code has a user experience. Our methods have a UX. Our data models have a UX...

Principles of null-free programming

Nulls are a notorious source of bugs in many programming languages. Here, I sketch out a way to avoid them, using C# for illustration...

Imagining version control for APIs

Versioning is, right now, merely a human label. We have helpful conventions like semver, but one still relies on human judgment as to the definition of a “notable” change...

Three ways the new iOS ad blocking hurts Google

Apple’s ad blocking API is good for users and bad for Google, in 3 ways:..

Three outcomes of the adpocalypse

It appears that Internet advertising is going through a bit of a shakeout...

Improve the median, not the mean

I like seeing Google Fiber prompt incumbent dinosaurs into boosting speeds. It’s great...

Liquidity, open source and security

Jeff has a thoughtful post about open source, security and incentives. A few points stood out to me...

Statements are statements, and expressions are expressions (in Go)

I got trolled by a facetious article on Go on April 1. But it did trigger a conversation about why Go doesn’t do certain things other languages do...