Middle class in NYC

There is a notion I hear from time to time that earning (say) $100,000 while living in NYC makes one “middle class”...

NYC doesn’t need to be Silicon Valley

An idea for bookifying the web

I use Pocket, a handy “read it later” tool. The idea is that I can “pocket” a web page by clicking a bookmarklet (or browser extension), and the page is:..

Web Components: have we not been here before?

Addy Osmani describes Web Components, of which an important part is custom tags...

Nesting is state

There are stylistic debates about how much nesting or indentation one should choose in code...

Ben Horowitz on wage-fixing

I am really, really enjoying Ben Horowitz’s The Hard Thing About Hard Things...

What Stack Overflow and Go have in common

I’ve been working at Stack for over three years now, and over the last six months or so I’ve been doing playing with a programming language called Go...

How I optimize conversations

I had a realization some years ago in working with a person at a previous firm...

Threshold thinking

I consider our industry’s current approach to ads to be wildly inefficient. Very “good” click-through rates are in the single-digit percentages, and more likely one or two orders of magnitude below that...

The trouble with interfaces in Go

I am working on a tool for generics-like functionality in Go. Despite what you may have heard, Go does have generic functionality, in that you can create (e...