Hierarchy and orthogonality in C# and Go

Prompted by this question I got to thinking about methods in C# and Go. It’s another example, I realized, of Go’s (logical) insistence on orthogonality and (stylistic) insistence on flatness/lack of hierarchy.

Go does not allow methods to be defined within a struct (ersatz class) definition. Instead of this, where the method lives in the declaration:

type Foo struct {  
    Count, Price int  
    Total() int {     // nope  
        return Count * Price  

…one writes this:

type Foo struct {  
    Count, Price int  

func (f Foo) Total() int {  
    return f.Count * f.Price  

Which is to say, the method is its own free-standing declaration.

In C#, you have a choice of doing either (eliding access modifiers):

struct Foo {  
    int Count;  
    int Price;  
    int Total() {  
        return Count * Price;  

…or, using extension methods (eliding the outer class):

struct Foo {  
    int Count;  
    int Price;  

int Total(this Foo foo) {  
    return foo.Count * foo.Price;  

Go achieves two things in this design decision. First, orthogonality: there is one way to write a method.

Second, a matter of taste perhaps, there is less hierarchy in Go. Methods are just funcs alongside all the others; they don't represent a new level of "indentation" or membership.

There are other design justifications described in the above link, but these advantages are the ones that jump out for me.

Published August 25, 2014