The point at which your project becomes bigger than your head

I’ve seen it argued that a measure of a good programmer is the amount of “stuff” they can keep in their head at one time...

The artificial distinction between “content” and “delivery”

In the arguments over net neutrality, the discussion is often around “content” vs “delivery”...

jQuery appears to be incompatible with IE9 preview

It would appear that jQuery (1.4.2) is not compatible with the new IE9 preview:..

Don’t confuse syntax with reasoning

This article asks if programming is the new literacy: …we have in a sense returned to the Middle Ages or ancient Egypt, or even before...

A few more reasons to use Progressive Enhancement

Progressive Enhancement is a methodology where a web application is developed in layers...

How about jQuery-style “property methods” for C#?

Here’s an idiom that I think would be useful in C#: “property methods” in the style of jQuery...

Net neutrality and preserving the dinosaurs

I recently had a chat with a peer/CTO-type who has argued before Congress a local board on net neutrality...

IE8 becomes #1 browser, Chrome up, Firefox plateaus

We have January browser numbers. Firstly, we note that Internet Explorer 8 is now the most popular browser, overtaking IE6...

Google throws down the gauntlet on IE6; you and I get a free ride

Today, Google announced that it will begin phasing out support on older browsers, most notably IE6, for Google Docs...

Preserving the back button on Ajax pages

So, I’ve been going a little Ajax crazy lately. I am using a progressive enhancement approach — make everything work solidly without Javascript, then drizzle on some Ajaxy goodness as refinement...